Anna Rooney Speech Therapy

Serving Oak Park/ Forest Park/ River Forest Area

Anna is dedicated to helping children become effective, successful communicators. Please contact Anna to inquire about speech therapy.


Individual Speech Therapy

Early Language Milestones

Early Language Milestones

Typical language milestones for young children, birth to 5 years old.

Early Childhood

Early Childhood

Speech therapy can help children develop functional communication skills.

Speech Sound Development

Speech Sound Development

Speech therapy can help with phonological development.

Anna Rooney Speech Therapy

About Anna

Anna is a dedicated, experienced, licensed speech-language pathologist who provides communication therapy in the child's home, school, or childcare in the Oak Park/ Forest Park/ River Forest areas. Anna also provides speech therapy via speech teletherapy, using video conferencing apps. Anna provides speech therapy for children of all ages with a wide variety of speech-language needs. Anna partners with parents and caregivers to help the child communicate more effectively.

Speech Services

Anna Rooney Speech Therapy offers various speech services that include:

Anna Rooney Speech Therapy

A comprehensive speech-language assessment which includes a parent interview, child observation, and formal standardized testing.

Anna Rooney Speech Therapy

Personalized, consistent one-on-one therapy sessions in the child's home, school, or daycare.

Anna Rooney Speech Therapy

A home therapy plan will include strategies to be used throughout the week.

Anna Rooney Speech Therapy

Continuing family support and family education.

Learn More About Anna

Communication therapy builds upon the child's interests to be meaningful and engaging. Anna is learning more about neurodiversity-affirming therapy; the child's strengths and interests drive therapy sessions. Students are active participants in therapy; they are invested in their progress. Multi-sensory supports such as visual schedules, videos, and written prompts accommodate different learning styles. Literacy development is an important part of therapy because students with oral language issues often need help with reading and writing. Anna uses the Wilson Fundations ® program. Anna has been included in the Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America (CASANA) online directory of Speech-Language Pathologists. Anna is a provider with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO of Illinois.

Anna Rooney Speech Therapy

Contact Anna To Start Speech Therapy

Anna will set up a consistent therapy schedule if it is determined that your child would benefit from speech-language therapy. Most speech-language therapy sessions occur weekly (once or twice a week) and are 45 minutes long.

Jennifer, Andersonville

Anna, I just wanted to thank you for the incredibly comprehensive and compassionate evaluation you did for Bobby. We have reviewed it separately, and were struck by how thorough and professional it was we continue to be grateful to you for setting us on this path. I drew Bobby a "schedule" today for his preschool visit and it was a huge help!!! You have literally made me a better mama and I bless you for it.

February 2016

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